Wildfires a wake-up call for a proactive approach – DA KZN

Party says this natural phenomenon also further puts the spotlight on the devastating effects of global warming

KZN wildfires a wake-up call for a proactive approach

15 July 2024

The Democratic Alliance in KwaZulu-Natal would like to express its deepest condolences to the families and friends of those who’ve lost loved ones in the ongoing runaway wildfires. To date we understand that at least 13 lives have been claimed by the blazes.

This tragic incident highlights the importance of being increasingly prepared and equipped for such events, especially in a province like KZN, which is largely rural, where such incidents further hinder availability and access to emergency services. This natural phenomenon also further puts the spotlight on the devastating effects of global warming. We can no longer ignore this.

Now, more than ever, it has become imperative that going forward we become a proactive provincial government. This is why I have full confidence that under the Government of Provincial Unity, which the DA plays a key part in, the Department of Cooperative Governance and the relevant authorities will prioritize incidents of runaway fires, thereby saving lives, livestock and homes.

KZN and it’s residents, have in the recent past, been subjected to a number of destructive natural occurrences and time again we have been resilient and picked up the pieces. The deadly out-of-control blazes were discussed in cabinet today where it was agreed that this remains one of the province’s critical issues to deal with.

Issued by Francois Rodgers, DA KZN Provincial Leader, 15 July 2024