Lesufi denies qualified SAPS reservists jobs – ActionSA

Info confirms assertion that premier’s crime wardens' scheme is a mere gimmick

Qualified SAPS reservists denied jobs at Premier Panyaza’s gimmick crime wardens scheme

18 October 2023

ActionSA will, today, write to MEC for Community Safety, Faith Mazibuko, and Gauteng Police Commissioner, Elias Mawela, following the damning revelations that SAPS reservists with 10 years of experience, who applied to be crime wardens, were not considered.

It was revealed that despite being promised positions by the Department of Community Safety, reservists were excluded. Instead, the department advised them to be patient as it completed its recruitment of unqualified individuals who were ill-equipped to handle dangerous situations.

This information further confirms our assertion that Gauteng Premier, Panyaza Lesufi’s crime wardens' scheme is a mere gimmick.

With the current high crime rate in Gauteng, it is regrettable that this crime warden scheme has been utilised as an electioneering tool to hire ANC cadres and campaign for the party in the upcoming 2024 elections.

Furthermore, the recruitment process was conducted by community forum leaders, which was exclusive to ANC members.

It is devastating that although these SAPS reservists are already performing police duties and have received the relevant training, many of them have been informed that they lack the necessary skills to be hired.

What worsens the situation is that they do not receive any remuneration for the work they do, except in December, where they are only compensated for six days of work.

Additionally, despite efforts to seek employment elsewhere, many are unable to get work since they have service numbers, giving the impression that they have been integrated into SAPS.

It is apparent that there is corruption and exploitation within the police force, which has put thousands of people's lives on hold across the country as they battle to make ends meet.

For years, reservists nationwide have, in vain, marched and sought legal advice to end this demeaning condition, urging SAPS to hire them full-time and provide them with all applicable perks they so rightfully deserve.

We, as ActionSA, believe that a mechanism should be implemented that would ensure political parties hold their members accountable for corrupt activities.

The politicisation of our police service and resources constraints have hindered our law enforcement's ability to protect communities. This therefore requires the rebuilding of our police capacity.

ActionSA further believes that more functions should be decentralised to competent provincial departments to empower context-based crime prevention and response.

Gone are the days where poor political leadership robs South Africans of economic growth, financial freedom and safety.

Issued by Funzi Ngobeni, ActionSA Gauteng Provincial Chairperson, 18 October 2023