Long-awaited repatriation of exiled liberation fighters welcomed – EFF

Fighters say return of 49 comrades is a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made in pursuit of freedom

EFF statement on the repatriation of exiled liberation fighters

26 September 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) welcomes the long-awaited repatriation of our brave liberation fighters who laid down their lives in the struggle against apartheid.

The beginning of the return of 49 comrades from Zimbabwe and Zambia, who died in exile, is a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made in pursuit of our freedom.

We express our deep gratitude to the Zimbabwean and Zambian governments, whose support during our shared struggle for liberation will never be forgotten. Together with our comrades across borders, we fought against colonialism and apartheid, standing side by side in the battle for justice and dignity. Their solidarity was crucial then, and today's repatriation reflects the enduring bonds between our peoples.

Many of these freedom fighters were forced into exile to continue the struggle from beyond our borders when the apartheid regime intensified its oppression. Unable to fight openly within South Africa, these comrades found refuge in countries like Zimbabwe, Zambia, Tanzania, and Mozambique. From there, they organised military campaigns, trained new cadres, and built pan-African solidarity for the anti-apartheid movement.

Exile was not just a physical departure from home, but a continuation of the struggle in different terrains, and it contributed enormously to the eventual downfall of apartheid. The solidarity and support they garnered from the African community strengthened the fight for our freedom. Their sacrifices in exile, often living under harsh conditions far from their families, are a vital part of the story of how South Africans, both inside and outside the country, united to bring down a brutal regime.

However, this moment is also a painful reminder of the freedoms that the ANC-led government has recklessly squandered over the last three decades. While this repatriation brings long-overdue closure to many families, it is a stark symbol of the ANC's neglect—only now, as we mark 30 years of democracy, are these heroes being honoured with the respect they deserve. The ANC has failed to prioritise the dignity of our fallen comrades, waiting until now to remember the sacrifices of those who once stood shoulder to shoulder with them.

Furthermore, this repatriation calls attention to the many unresolved atrocities committed under apartheid, where justice has yet to be served. From the murders of activists such as Nokuthula Simelane, the Cradock Four, and the hundreds of disappearances and killings orchestrated by the apartheid regime, many of these cases remain unsolved. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), while initially seen as a vehicle for healing, has proven ineffective in delivering justice for these crimes.

The TRC's failure to hold key apartheid perpetrators accountable has left many families without the closure they deserve, and the ANC has done little to advance these cases since. True reconciliation cannot be achieved without justice, and the lack of meaningful follow-through on TRC recommendations reflects the govemment's abandonment of the liberation ideals it once championed.

Let it also be known that by forming an unholy alliance with the DA, the very descendants of apartheid architects, the ANC is spitting in the faces of these fallen freedom fighters. Joining hands with those who once upheld the system of oppression is a betrayal of the blood spilled for our liberation.

As the EFF, we stand in solidarity with the families of these fighters and honour their legacy. We call for this process of repatriation to be expedited, so that every freedom fighter, regardless of their political affiliation, is finally brought home. We must not allow their memories to be tarnished by delay or neglect.

We must also not forget that over 1,000 of our freedom fighters remain buried across the world, from Africa to Europe and the Americas. The EFF will continue to encourage that all of these fallen heroes be brought home, to their final resting place, where they can be honoured with the dignity and respect they deserve.

Let this be a reminder to all South Africans of the ongoing fight for true economic freedom, which remains incomplete as long as the ideals for which these heroes fought continue to be undermined.

Issued by Leigh-Ann Mathys, National Spokesperson, EFF, 26 September 2024