Mathews Phosa's remarks opportunistic - YCL Limpopo

League condemns ANC TG for demonising cabinet's decision to intervene in province


The YCLSA (uFasimba) noted with sheer political disappointment and disapproval of the selfish, opportunistic, political utterance asserted by Comrade Matthews Phosa during the Provincial ANC Centenary celebrations at Materekeng village on the 14th January 2012, at Sekhukhune District. During the said political event, Comrade Matthews Phosa, politically accused President Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma's cabinet of hooliganism, a naked, political allegation which is devoid of any humane truth, flowing from the Limpopo Provincial Administration's bankruptcy.

It is politically regrettable for a leader of Comrade Phosa's stature to publicly display his uncontrollable, undisciplined, selfish political opportunism by lambasting and accusing the national cabinet's decisive decision of placing five Provincial Departments into administration as an act of "hooliganism".

As if that wasnot good enough, Comrade Phosa, helicoptingly proceeded to unfairly accusing the said intervention by national cabinet as tantamount to stealing the administrative powers of Premier Cassel Mathale, thereby reducing the latter to a "Half Premier". The YCLSA unreservedly differs with Phosa‘s political assertion on this matter, which is at the pinnacle of the public domain and knowledge.

Moreover, since stealing is a synonym of theft, which is a common law criminal, punishable offence, the YCLSA‘s correct, classical analysis can only be construed to a conclusion that Comrade Phosa implied that the national cabinet was and has been both an administrative and political thief in exercising its administrative powers in Limpopo. The YCLSA takes offends to this state of utmost political incrimination, of the national cabinet to which Comrade Phosa has projected himself as an unnecessary arbiter, at such a historical and momentous political podium.

As an acclaimed jurist an a professed lawyer, Comrade Phosa must have realized that his utterances has unnecessarily and unfairly criminalized the national cabinet's decision, in the eyes of the public, as if the national cabinet" was a political and administrative Satan with a long tail ".Rule 5.2(d) of the ANC ‘s Constitution as amended and adopted at the 52nd National Conference of the ANC,Polokwane,2007,explicitly provides under the general rights and duties of the ANC members as follows "That a member of the ANC will deepen his/her understanding on social,cultural,political and economic problems of the country".

It is the YCLSA's considerable political conviction that Comrade Phosa deliberately and intentionally failed to live up to the expected Constitutional dictates and decorum of the ANC's Constitution as cited above.

In the premise, it is also expected of ANC members, including Matthews Phosa himself, for as long as he still habours intentions of remaining a disciplined member of the ANC, to observe unquestionable discipline, behave honestly and carry out loyally, decisions of the majority and decisions of the higher bodies, Rule 5.2 (g) of the cited Organizational Constitution. It is and still remains politically wrong for Comrade Phosa to have behaved in a manner commensurate with a political angel discerning from heaven, in divorcing himself from the collective decision of the higher administrative structure, led by the ANC of attempting to normalize the Limpopo Provincial administrative bankruptcy, in the manner that he did. 

The YCLSA, under the political conviction that for Comrade Phosa to project himself as if he was a righteous, modern political Moses who have deliberately, and out of his own free volition, climbed Mount Himalaya, and insults the collective decision of national cabinet, the ANC must through the duly constituted NDC, must summon, him and show him the political Kilimanjaro through exercising revolutionary discipline. Comrade Phosa failed to live up to the constitutional prestige of the ANC.

Rule 25 1(a) of the ANC Constitution provides that "All members, without exception, must abide by the Constitution of the ANC, Rules, Regulations, Standing, Orders and Codes, as adopted from time to time, as well as all Policies and decisions properly adopted in terms of the Constitution". The YCLSA, mindful of the aforesaid Constitutional provisions, moreover, that Comrade Phosa is not, and was never meant to be immune from both the Organizational and revolutionary discipline, appeals to the NEC of the ANC to apply Rule 25 against Comrade Phosa as a matter of utmost political expediency. 

The said political falsehood perpetuated by Comrade Phosa which has regrettably been published in both the print and broadcast media, clearly evinces his increasing propensity of an unethical member of the highest constitutional structure of the ANC with worrying proportions. It is politically mischievous and puerile for Comrade Phosa to politically demonize the national cabinet's decision as he did. Comrade Phosa is regrettably a political mutineer, and the YCLSA earnestly pleads that necessary disciplinary processes must be actioned against him.

The Austrian writer and journalist, Karl Kraus had this to say "Corruption is worse than prostitution, the latter might endanger the morals of the individual, the former invariably endangers the morals of the entire country". The YCLSA unequivocally agrees with this acclaimed writer on the cancerous nature of corruption tearing our country and the Province in particular.

Issued by the leadership collective of the YCLSA in the province.

Statement issued by YCL Limpopo Provincial Organizing Secretary, Ntsepeng Mookamedi, February 2 2012

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