Mazibuye African Forum's anti-Indian rhetoric is toxic - ANC KZN

PEC also says party to embark on a massive ID and the voter registration campaign


9 July 2013

The African National Congress (ANC) in KwaZulu-Natal held its normal Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) from Sunday to Monday which was characterised by frank and robust engagement. The PEC also joined millions of people around the world in wishing Comrade Nelson Mandela a speedy recovery from his lung infection. The PEC also commended thousands of people in KwaZulu-Natal who have taken part in a series of prayers organised by our movement to demonstrate its unwavering support for both President Mandela and his family during this difficult time.

On the ANCYL Provincial Tasks Team

The PEC welcomed the newly appointed ANCYL Provincial Task Team (PTT) and we have no hesitation that this structure will succeed in building the ANCYL structures in the province. The ANC will make sure that it supports the PTT as it carries the mammoth task of ensuring that issues affecting young people continue to receive the required attention. Comrade Sbu Ngwane is the PTT coordinator while Comrade Nontembeko Boyce is the convenor. The PEC agreed to deploy Cde Nhlakanipho Ntombela and Cde Ntombikayise Sibhidla-Saphetha to work with the ANCYL PTT to ensure it receives maximum support from the ANC.

On the Egypt situation

The PEC held a frank discussion on the political developments in the African continent and raised serious concerns about the situation in Egypt where a democratically elected president has been toppled by a military head. The ANC has called on the African Union to stand firm against these military seizures of power in our continent. The PEC called for an immediate intervention to prevent further bloodbath in Egypt.

On the Mazibuye African Forum

The ANC wants to reiterate its earlier position on the activities of Mazibuye African Forum, a group which recently shot to prominence for its anti-Indian rhetoric.

The fundamental basic document of the ANC, the Freedom Charter emphasises that South Africa belongs to all who live in it. The strategic objective of the National Democratic Revolution is to liberate the African in particular and Blacks in general from the economic bondage. The ANC wants to state categorically clear that the Mazibuye African Forum's comments are toxic and distorts the history of the liberation struggle of South Africa. The PEC affirmed its earlier position of regarding the Mazibuye statements as constituting hate speech. While we respect the people's rights to organise themselves but we are totally against the use of the ANC colours and its logo to attack and undermine ANC principles.

On the Election programme

The PEC received a detailed ANC elections programme which was adopted by the meeting. The programme focuses on a massive ID and the voter registration campaign. We urge people of KwaZulu-Natal to register in their numbers during the open day registration. As part of the election campaigns, the ANC national chairperson Baleka Mbete will be at KwaMaphumulo, outside KwaDukuza on Thursday (11 July 2013) and will also be in Vryheid on Friday (12 July 2013).

On the ANC and NFP working relationship

The PEC received the progress report on municipalities that face serious challenges. They include Umvoti and Ntambanana and other areas. The PEC agreed to assess the implementation of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) in all municipalities to ensure that we arrest the instability caused by the failure to adhere to the MOU.  The Provincial five -a-sides was tasked to meet with the National Freedom Party (NFP) delegation to address problems in uMvoti and Ntambanana. 

On the issue of Ntambanana, the ANC has been firm on ensuring that the principles of good governance are adhered to hence we opposed the employment of officials who are being investigated for allegations of corruption. We are concerned that some officials who are being investigated for corruption suddenly resign and appear in other municipalities as this can compromise service delivery.

Statement issued by Senzo Mkhize, ANC KZN Spokesperson, July 9 2013

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