Mbalula fails to do the right thing – DA WCape

Party says minister has utter contempt for the safety and well-being of long-distance bus commuters

Mbalula fails to do the right thing, appeals High Court order for action plan on Intercape violence

30 October 2022

In a stunning display of utter contempt for the safety and wellbeing of long-distance bus commuters and drivers, National Minister of Transport, Fikile Mbalula, failed to produce a court-ordered action plan to curb violence against Intercape bus services. Instead, the Minister has filed an application to appeal the Eastern Cape High Court ruling ordering him to produce this plan of action by Friday, 28 October 2022.  Minister Mbalula is sidestepping his constitutional and statutory duty time and time again. He is not capable of understanding or executing his responsibilities as Minister of Transport.

The High Court, last month, found that Minister Mbalula failed to coordinate with SAPS in integrating efforts to provide protection and support to Intercape against more than 150 acts of intimidation and violence reported against its assets and passengers. Intercape was forced to take legal action after the loss of an innocent life in Intercape driver, Bangikhaya Machana, who was senselessly murdered.

With the upcoming festive season, thousands of South Africans are expected to make use of inter-provincial roads for travel using long-distance busses. This action plan from Minister Mbalula could have been a blueprint for NATJOINTS to draw up a national plan of action to prevent any further bloodshed on our roads. While an action plan was produced by the Eastern Cape MEC for Transport, the plan is thought to be half-baked, lacked detail and is clearly not enough to curb the senseless killings and violence.

Minister Mbalula has been presented with a perfect opportunity to counter the brazen criminality within the long-distance transport industry, however, he chose to shirk his responsibility. Is it also sad that instead of working with partners to find solutions to the violence, as seen in the Western Cape between the Provincial Government, Intercape and the Western Cape Provincial Parliament, Mbalula and team opted to avoid cooperation and chose to appeal the High Court ruling at the last minute on Friday at 15:30.

It is through cooperation and engagement that the DA-run Western Cape Government provided traffic escorts for long-distance buses. In order to end this violence, cooperation and political will are paramount.

The DA applauds the bravery of Johann Ferreira, MD of Intercape and others in holding the national government to account in the face of blatant dereliction of duty. The ANC government has completely lost the plot in keeping citizens safe. We cannot wait until another death for action to be taken. Turning a blind eye to criminal and urban terror on commuters and drivers cannot continue. As the DA in the Western Cape, we are pleased that the business community is now tired of the ANC government and fighting back against its ineptitude.

Issued by Ricardo Mackenzie, DA Western Cape Spokesperson on Transport, 30 October 2022