Members of the PPU granted bail – NPA

Case relates to incident caught on video that happened on 2nd July 2023 on the N1

Members of the Presidential Protection Unit granted bail

1 August 2023

The Randburg Magistrates’ Court granted R10 000 bail to each of the eight men from the SAPS VIP Protection Unit. They are facing charges of contravention of the Firearms Control Act, negligent driving, malicious damage to property, assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm, attempting to defeat the ends of justice, and assault by way of a threat. The case relates to the incident that was caught on a circulated video that happened on 02 July 2023, along the N1 route. The accused are seen allegedly repeatedly assaulting occupants of a vehicle with open hands and booted feet.

All accused were released on condition that they do not contact state witnesses either directly or indirectly. They are also not allowed to interfere with state investigations in any manner. The court postponed the case to 27 September 2023, for further investigations.

Issued by Phindi Mjonondwane, NPA Regional Spokesperson: Gauteng Local Division, 1 August 2023