Creecy must act urgently to address KZN baboon extinction threat – Dave Bryant

DA MP says regional subpopulations in province are critically endangered

Minister must act urgently to address regional baboon extinction

20 October 2022

The DA has noted with concern, the response by Minister Barbara Creecy regarding the status of baboon populations in South Africa.

Minister Creecy revealed that while baboons in most parts of the country are not deemed to be at risk, regional baboon species in Kwa-Zulu Natal are critically threatened and facing imminent extinction.

It is of further concern to note that while permits to hunt baboons are readily available across the country, the Minister does not appear to have access to the numbers of baboon hunting permits granted by provincial governments. She has stated in her response that these numbers need to be obtained from individual Provincial MECs.

The DA governments in the Western Cape are the leading authorities on the management of baboons and are working hard to address the challenges relating to human-baboon conflict. Baboon populations in the Western Cape are stable and managed at a very high standard. Our governments are happy to share this knowledge and expertise with other parts of the country where required. It is vital that pragmatic and balanced interventions to human-baboon conflict are explored instead of resorting to randomly issuing hunting permits, especially in areas where these populations are endangered.

Issued by Dave Bryant, DA Shadow Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, 20 October 2022