Mokoetle would be bad choice for Communications DG - DA

Natasha Michael says ex-SABC CEO's record hardly inspires confidence

Communications Director-General: Mokoetle is inappropriate choice

The Democratic Alliance (DA) has received confirmation from two different sources at the Department of Communications that the former GCEO of the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC), Solly Mokoetle, will be redeployed to the post of Director-General at the Department. If this is indeed the case, the Minister of Communications, Roy Padayachie, must publicly provide the reasons why Mokoetle has been deemed to be the best candidate for this post, and must demonstrate that the position has been publicly advertised and that due process has been followed.

The position of Director-General was left vacant in July 2010 after Mamodupi Mohala was dismissed, apparently following tensions with the former Minister of Communications, Siphiwe Nyanda. Dr Harold Wesso was subsequently appointed as Acting D-G. It goes without saying that it is essential that a permanent appointment is made to the position of D-G, to ensure that the Department of Communications has a full complement of staff, in order to adequately deliver on its mandate. It is also equally important that the person appointed to this post is qualified and suited to the position.

The DA does not believe that Solly Mokoetle is that person. Not only was he suspended by the SABC board for his failure to perform his duties as GCEO of the public broadcaster, but his record is also less than exemplary. He was implicated in the 2005 forensic audit report carried out by Gobodo Forensic and Investigative Accounting, which revealed R56m of tendering irregularities in content commissioning. The report recommended disciplinary action against Mr Mokoetle, but the matter was swept under the carpet by former CEO Dali Mpofu, and never acted upon.

Additionally, Mr. Mokoetle's behaviour in the last week has made it clear that he has little concern for the well-being of South Africa's communications sector, and far more concern for his own well-being. He told the Times, after his dismissal from the SABC: "The celebrations start tonight! I'm going to buy myself an expensive bottle of whisky. I will also be going on holiday... play a bit of golf and I will also go fishing". These are not the comments of someone who is determined at all costs to improve the state of our communications sector; they are certainly not the sort of comments we would expect from a new Director-General at the Communications Department.

The DA will be engaging Minister Padayachie to gain further clarity on the matter. We will also be submitting parliamentary questions, to ascertain whether the position of D-G has been advertised - we have found no evidence that it has - and whether due process has been followed in finding a new D-G.

Statement issued by Natasha Michael, MP, Democratic Alliance Shadow Minister of Communications, January 23 2011

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