Multi-faceted action plan to fight growing rogue cop scourge – DA KZN

Party aware of at least three incidents in past two weeks where police officers have been perpetrators of crime

DA proposes multi-faceted action plan to fight KZN’s growing rogue cop scourge

20 August 2024

The DA extends its sincere condolences to the family of Ms Mtshali, a mother of two, who was run over by a policeman, last Friday in Durban. We are also saddened by the fact that the policeman concerned chose to take his life soon after.

The incident is one of at least three that the DA is aware of during the past two weeks, where police officers have been the perpetrators of crime. In yet another incident, a KZN police officer accused of rape has recently been released on R5 000 bail.

Regrettably, these are not isolated incidents. They are also a clear indication that despite programmes such as Women’s Month, the fight against crimes involving women and children is not being won.

SAPS has a history of its officers being accused and found guilty of transgressing the law. While there are many dedicated officers for some, wearing a uniform has become an opportunity to abuse the system and the rule of law.

During the recent KZN budget debates, the DA emphasised that the province’s government of provincial unity (GPU) has a duty to ensure that oversight inspections, workshops and symposiums equate to action in terms of addressing this scourge and strengthening law enforcement.

The issue requires a multifaceted approach and the DA calls for the following measures to be implemented;
Accountability: When officers are found to be in violation of the law, there must be a transparent and rigorous process to address these violations. Accountability ensures that those who breach the public trust are held responsible for their actions
- Ongoing training and ethical education: Law enforcement agencies must continually reinforce the importance of upholding the law and maintaining the highest ethical standards. Training programmes should emphasize not only the technical aspects of policing but also the moral and ethical considerations that guide a police officer’s duties
Community involvement: Open dialogue between law enforcement agencies and the public can help foster mutual understanding and trust. Communities should be empowered to voice their concerns and participate in oversight mechanisms that ensure transparency and accountability
SAPS station victim rooms: DA oversight inspections show that various KZN SAPS stations are still not equipped to deal with domestic abuse and assault on women and children. This must be addressed with urgency
GBV shelters, counselling and legal help: Taxpayers’ money can no longer be wasted on talk-shops and these funds must be used to establish shelters, counselling facilities and legal assistance for GBV victims and;
Specialised courts/SAPS units: Specialised services must be implemented to focus on crimes affecting women, children and minors to ensure swift prosecution of those involved in gender-based violence (GBV), child abuse, trafficking and murder and other serious crimes

The strength of our justice system lies in its commitment to fairness and integrity. Police officers who flout the law compromise these principles and it is governments responsibility to address these issues head-on.

By adopting a multi-faceted approach - which includes promoting accountability, supporting ethical training, and encouraging community engagement – KZN’s GPU can work towards a policing system that upholds the law with honour and respects the trust placed in it by the people it serves.

Issued by Riona Gokool, DA KZN Spokesperson on Community Safety and Liaison, 20 August 2024