NA recommends Adv Kholeka Gcaleka for Deputy PP position - Committee

Others on shortlist were Shadrack Nkuna, Buang Jones, Moshoeshoe Toba, Puleng Matshelo, Lwazi Kubukeli, Noxolo Mbangeni, and Sonwabile Mancotywa


Parliament, Wednesday, 27 November 2019 – The Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services today nominated Adv Kholeka Gcaleka for recommendation by the National Assembly to the President for appointment as Deputy Public Protector.

Committee Chairperson Mr Bulelani Magwanishe said the committee deliberated yesterday on the seven candidates that it interviewed and agreed to nominate Adv Gcaleka for appointment as Deputy Public Protector in terms of section 2A of the Public Protector Act 23 of 1994, upon the expiry of the term of office of the incumbent, Adv Kevin Malunga, on 9 December 2019.

The committee received 29 nominations or applications but three declined the nomination/withdrew their application: Of the remaining 26 candidates, six candidates did not meet the requirements for the position as laid out in the Public Protector Act, and therefore they were not considered.

On 23 October 2019, the committee shortlisted a total of eight candidates, as follows: Adv Shadrack Nkuna, Adv Gcaleka, Mr Buang Jones, Adv Moshoeshoe Toba, Adv Puleng Matshelo, Adv Lwazi Kubukeli, Adv Noxolo Mbangeni, and Adv Sonwabile Mancotywa.

Once shortlisting took place, all candidates were requested to complete a questionnaire, based broadly on the one that the Judicial Services Commission makes use of in the case of judicial appointments. The questionnaire also contained provisions for disclosure. In addition, the committee agreed that the shortlisted candidates be subjected to a security screening and that their academic qualifications be verified. Parliament was asked to facilitate the security screening of the candidates, while its Human Resources Division undertook the verification of the academic qualifications.

Subsequently, Adv Mancotywa notified the committee that he was withdrawing from the process.

Mr Magwanishe said before shortlisting commenced, the committee published the names of all candidates with their accompanying curricula vitae on Parliament’s website after redacting certain personal details. Members of the public were given an opportunity to make submissions on the candidates.

“The committee welcomes the considerable public interest that its work has attracted. The committee agreed to facilitate public participation in order for the process to be open and transparent. We are therefore indebted to members of the public for their contribution to this process in order for us to be able to make this nomination to the National Assembly,” said Mr Magwanishe.

Statement issued by Mr Bulelani Magwanishe, Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services, 27 November 2019