Nine acting CEOs in Gauteng public hospitals – Jack Bloom

DA MPL says it is essential that the best people are appointed speedily so that all hospitals have competent and honest CEOs

Nine acting CEOs in Gauteng public hospitals

8 May 2023

Nine out of 37 Gauteng public hospitals currently have an acting CEO as the previous CEO has either left or been suspended.

This is revealed by Gauteng Health MEC Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko in a written reply to my questions in the Gauteng Legislature.

There are acting CEOs at the following hospitals:

1. Steve Biko Academic hospital

2. Dr George Mukhari Academic hospital

3. Rahima Moosa Mother and Child hospital

4. Kopanong hospital

5. South Rand hospital

6. Tara Morous Hospital

7. Pretoria West Hospital

8. Tembisa Hospital

9. Kalafong Hospital

The Kopanong Hospital has been the longest without a permanent CEO since the contract of the previous CEO expired in February last year.

A permanent CEO has also not been appointed at the South Rand Hospital even though the CEO’s contract expired in April last year.

Other reasons are two resignations, one retirement, an internal transfer (Rahima Moosa), and the CEOs of Tembisa and Pretoria West hospitals are currently suspended awaiting discipline.

The Democratic Alliance is concerned that one out of four Gauteng public hospitals have acting CEOs who have limited authority to fix a failing health system.

In the case of two hospitals, it’s been more than a year without a permanent replacement.

The recent Ombud’s report into Rahima Moosa hospital was critical of poor processes in appointing hospital CEOs.

It is essential that the best people are appointed speedily so that all hospitals have competent and honest CEOs, instead of cadre deployments whose incompetence causes suffering to patients.

Issued by Jack Bloom, DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Health, 8 May 2023