No security for Gauteng Health staff who expose corruption – Jack Bloom

DA MPL says it is scandalous that the provincial govt won’t take special measures to protect whistleblowers

No security for Gauteng Health staff who expose corruption

22 May 2023

Contrary to reports, the former Head of the Gauteng Health Department Dr Nomonde Nolutshungu did not receive extra security after she received death threats in August last year.

This bombshell information is revealed by Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi in a written reply to my questions in the Gauteng Legislature.

According to Lesufi, the Office of the Premier provided her with a driver but no extra security.

This contradicts former Gauteng Premier David Makhura who said security for health officials, including Dr Nolutshungu, had been beefed up following death threats against them for uncovering corruption in the department. He said the provincial government wanted to ensure protection of whistleblowers following the murder of Babita Deokaran who uncovered massive corruption at the Tembisa Hospital.

But Lesufi now says his office has “no knowledge” of extra security provided to staff at the Gauteng Health Department.

In response to my question about steps to ensure staff can act against corruption without threat to their lives, he responds: “The officials can report allegations of wrongdoing through the Gauteng Ethics Hotline and National Anti-Corruption Hotline”, which they can do anonymously.

Lesufi notes that the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) is responsible for the inclusion of public servants in the National Prosecuting Authority's (NPA) Witness Protection Programme, and “the Office of the Premier is, therefore, in a position to engage the DPSA to facilitate the process of inclusion of the witnesses who may need protection in the NPA‘s Witness Protection Programme.”

This is extremely weak and a betrayal of officials who put their lives on the line against corruption.

I suspect Nolutshungu resigned after only 10 months because she feared for her life, although she cited ill health as her reason.

The Gauteng Health Department remains a cesspit of corruption.

It is scandalous that the provincial government won’t take special measures to protect whistleblowers.

This failure indicates political protection for corruption that benefits certain people in the ruling party while people suffer because of poor service delivery.

Issued by Jack Bloom, DA Gauteng Shadow Health MEC, 22 May 2023