NUMSA 13% demand modest - SACP

Party backs strike by engineering workers


The SACP fully supports the plight of close to 200 000 workers in the engineering and related sectors who are currently on strike for better wages. Wage negotiations with Metal & Engineering employers broke down with employers refusing to offer real wage increases and their refusal to outlaw modern slavery by labour brokers in the engineering sector.

The demands of the workers are legitimate.  In the midst of growing capitalist profitability a demand for a 13% salary increase is modest. Equally the arrogance of the employers of wanting to revert to a 45 hour working week is an attack on the hard won rights of workers.

The SACP fully supports workers struggle against the modern day slavery in the form of labour brokers. We support the call for a total ban and outlawing of such practices and we urge our government to move with speed to enact laws in that direction.

The SACP will deploy its leaders to march in solidarity with the workers. It is time now that we decisively put capital on the backfoot and undermine its growing arrogance and hold on the lives of ordinary South Africans.

Statement issued by Malesela Maleka, Eastern Cape spokesperson, July 4 2011

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