Corrie Pretorius' sentence inadequate, he should rot in jail – EFF

White armed right-winger was caught on camera assaulting a 16-year-old boy last year, say Fighters

EFF statement on the sentencing of a white racist man Corrie Pretorius in Groblersdal

31 January 2023

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in Limpopo rejects the Groblersdal Magistrate's Court decision to sentence racist Corrie Pretorius to 12 months' imprisonment of which half is suspended for five years or a R12,OOO fine.

The EFF is disappointed in the justice system's failure to deal with racism whenever it raises its ugly head. This sentence is not befitting for the crime committed, Pretorius deserves to rot in jail.

In what appeared as a white-arrogance, the white armed right-winger was caught on camera assaulting a 16-year-old boy at a shopping Complex in Groblersdal, in June last year while pointing a firearm at him. Pretorius is an unrepentant racist and undermined the rule of law through his behaviour which had the potential to incite violence and tensions amongst black and white people.

It cannot be that there are no-go areas in any part of Limpopo for black people in this day and age, the state must help us in curbing the spread of racism. We call on the state to review the sentence and impose a harsher sentence.

Racism carries with it the apartheid legacy, which eroded in black majority dignity and on many occasions inflicted pain and caused bloodshed, therefore the EFF demands a sentence that will send a strong message to perpetrators of racism.

Issued Tshilidzi Maraga, Provincial Chairperson, EFF, 31 January 2023