Passing of Tshwane budget an example of collaborative politics – DA

Party grateful to our allies and our opponents who showed what can be achieved when we work together

DA: Passage of Tshwane budget and IDP shows what can be achieved through collaborative politics

1 June 2023

The DA in Tshwane welcomes the passage of the City’s IDP framework and budget for 2023/2024. The significant majority with which these passed is testament to the approach taken by Executive Mayor Cilliers Brink – honesty, a laser-focus on delivery, and an approach that embraces the whole of society. We are proud of the true DA values embodied by Cllr Brink in the mayoral office as he leads the Multi-Party Coalition government of the City.

Having ensured the political stability of the City throughout sustained politically motivated attacks, the DA will not hesitate to play our part in bringing the same stability to the fiscal health of Tshwane. Only this can ensure a city that truly works for its residents.

Our engagements with other parties in the buildup to today’s vote were characterised by civility and robust debate. This was meaningful democratic collaboration in action. We are grateful to our allies and our opponents who showed what can be achieved when we work together in service of the people of our City. We hope this sets the tone not just in Tshwane, but across the whole of South Africa.

Trust in the fiscal health of Tshwane has now received a double boost: not only has a prudent and honest budget been put forward, but the means of its passage were prudent and honest politics. Through such trust, and only through such trust, can we ensure investment, business confidence, and the economic vibrancy we need to drive the growth and development of our communities.

The DA in Tshwane will ensure that the tone of this politics is championed by our caucus across the City and across all manners of engagement. We will ensure that the delivery promise of the Multi-Party Coalition government is one for all and for hope.

Issued by Jacqui Uys, DA Tshwane Caucus Chair, 1 June 2023