Patient goes blind because of drug shortage at George Mukhari - Jack Bloom

DA MPL says Diamox has been unavailable at hospital for more than two months


A patient has gone blind allegedly because of a shortage of medicine at the Dr George Mukhari hospital in north east Gauteng.

Diamox has not been available at the hospital for more than two months.

It is a drug used to lower the pressure in the eyes arising from Glaucoma, as well as other illnesses where pressure in the brain needs to be lowered.

The patient has strong grounds for a medical negligence case against the Gauteng Health Department.

Other patients are suffering because of this drug shortage and may also suffer irreversible damage.

The department must act urgently to get Diamox supplies to this hospital as soon as possible.

Statement issued by Jack Bloom MPL, DA Gauteng Health Spokesman, March 10 2013

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