Phala Phala: Removal of biased Calland from panel welcomed - EFF

Fighters say they will continue to keep a watchful eye on all of those tasked with investigating the allegations against the president

EFF welcomes the withdrawal of the biased Richard Calland from the independent panel to investigate Phala Phala farm

27 September 2022

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) welcomes the withdrawal of the disgraced Ramaphosa cheerleader Richard Calland, from the Independent Panel which will establish whether there is prima facie

evidence against Cyril Ramaphosa for his criminal activity on Phala Phala Farm.

Richard Calland's withdrawal comes after the necessary and principled objection by the EFF of his inclusion in the panel, when he has publicly exhibited a nauseating affinity with Ramaphosa and his Presidency.

Amongst many other public declarations of his support for Ramaphosa, Calland has written extensively on his support for Ramaphosa and his faction within the ANC, and has even gone as far as endorsing Ramaphosa for a second term within the ruling party and ultimately the State. His inclusion in the panel was a factional attempt by those who nominated him and the Speaker who approved his inclusion, to sing for their supper and undermine accountability for the crimes which are related to Phala Phala Farm.

By withdrawing from the independent panel, Calland has rescued himself from further public humiliation, because the EFF was going to pursue all necessary measures to ensure that he is exposed as a cheerleader and removed from the panel.

The EFF is vindicated and will continue to keep a watchful eye on all of those tasked with investigating the money laundering, kidnapping, torture and the use of state-resources to conceal the crimes committed by Cyril Ramaphosa.

We will make sure that no investigative, financial or legislative institution is corrupted or compromised, and ultimately ensure that Ramaphosa is removed from Office and is impeached, as he has disgraced South Africa and broken his oath of office.

Issued by Sinawo Thambo, National Spokesperson, EFF, 27 September 2022