Pieter Mulder puts pension before principle - DA

Manie van Dyk MP says Zuma's offer to FF+ leader attempt to weaken opposition

Freedom Front Plus leader Pieter Mulder's acceptance of a deputy ministerial post in the Jacob Zuma administration is a betrayal of all opposition party voters. Dr. Mulder's decision clearly puts pension before principle.

While Dr. Mulder's inclusion in cabinet is a surprise to many, it is not to the DA. The fact is that the Freedom Front has never properly understood opposition politics. They would rather extract meagre concessions from government in return for their co-operation, than form part of a principled opposition to the ANC.

The revelation that Dr. Mulder did not even consult the leadership of his party before accepting the appointment is an indication of his contempt for his colleagues and his voters. He seems to be more interested in the perks and privileges that come with being in cabinet than standing up for the principles of his party.

Now the infighting in the FF+ over his inclusion in cabinet has already begun. Some in the party, who are not personally on the receiving end of President Zuma's largesse, are aggrieved by this. The FF+ youth leader Cornelius van Rensburg is on record saying that ‘...Dr Mulder cannot serve as both party leader and deputy minister.' Although Dr. Mulder claims that his appointment is a sign of the ruling party reaching out to Afrikaners, this is part of the ANC's broader strategy to weaken the opposition.

It seems that President Zuma's comment during the campaign that Afrikaners are the only true South Africans, has persuaded Dr. Mulder to accept the cabinet appointment. It should be remembered that he warmly welcomed President Zuma's sentiment at the time and failed to see those comments as part and parcel of the ANC's ‘divide and rule' strategy, just as he has failing to realise this is the basis for his appointment to the cabinet.

Dr. Mulder's acceptance of a cabinet post will be the final nail in the coffin of the FF+. We have already witnessed how the National Party was completely swallowed by the ANC following Marthinus van Schalkwyk's co-option into cabinet. The ANC will swallow the FF+ just as they did the National Party.

Statement issued by Manie van Dyk, Democratic Alliance MP, May 11 2009

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