Ramaphosa and ANC must take hands off of Ingonyama Trust – MK Party

Govt’s approach using outdated colonial laws to deprive kings and chiefs of lands echoes tactics employed by colonialists

MK Party calling for Ramaphosa-ANC to take-off their corrupt hands from the Ingonyama Trust and the Land of the Zulu Nation

22 May 2024

The MK Party vehemently condemns the recent attempts by the Ramaphosa-led ANC government to usurp control over the Ingonyama Trust, a move aimed at stripping the King of the Zulus of their rightful powers and transferring this land to allies in the sphere of white monopoly capital. This onslaught, orchestrated by the Ramaphosa administration, echoes the darkest periods of colonial rule, during which African and South African monarchs were violently dispossessed of their territories, triggering ongoing socio-economic repercussions for the black populace today.

These actions extend beyond mere administrative or legal proceedings but represent a continuation of colonial dispossession practices that not only catalyzed the most severe atrocities in South Africa's history but also entrenched our ancestors in cycles of poverty, inequality, hunger, and starvation—effects that still plague their descendants.

The current government's approach, using outdated colonial laws to deprive kings and chiefs of their lands, is a painful echo of the tactics employed by colonialists and the apartheid regime against our traditional leaders.

The MK Party stands firmly against this modern replication of colonial land expropriation. We urge the Ramaphosa-ANC to immediately halt their relentless attacks on the King of the Zulus and all other traditional leaders. It is time to end the historical cycles of abuse and disrespect toward our traditional custodians of the land, especially the disrespect and abuse of the Zulu Nation.

We advocate for a return to pre-colonial land governance systems, where kings, queens, and chiefs are recognized not merely as ceremonial figures but as central figures in land ownership and management. Hence our clarion call to amend the constitution in order to restore full land ownership and control to kings, queens, and chiefs, as it was before the ravages of colonialism and apartheid.

The MK Party shall not stand by while the legacy and authority of our Zulu nation is undermined by the Ramaphosa-ANC, whose preoccupation to is retain the colonial and apartheid status-qou. The Ingonyama Trust represents the few, is not the only vestiges of ownership by our traditional leaders, and it must be defended at all costs.

In solidarity with the land of the Zulu nation and the broader traditional leadership, we call on all South Africans to join us in defending our kings and queens against the onslaught by the Ramaphosa-ANC.

We urge South Africans to join millions of others on May 29 to secure the necessary two-thirds majority to amend these colonial laws that stripped our monarchs of their rightful powers. Join us in this crucial fight for justice and restoration. The time is now to eradicate all remnants of colonial and apartheid laws on land and traditional leadership, which the Ramaphosa-ANC is desperately trying to preserve.

Issued by Nhlamulo Ndhlela, Media and Communications, MK Party, 22 May 2024