SACCI backs SAPS vigilance at mine tension sites

Chose Choeu says workers who want to return to work must be free to do so


The South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI) supports the continued vigilance by the South African Police Service (SAPS) at sensitive tension areas where there is a risk of violent protest by a narrow segment of workers in the mining industry. The illegal violent protests complicate the sensitive relationship between business and labour to the detriment of both parties. It is in the interest of the South African economy that workers feel safe to do their work.

The constitutional mandate of the SAPS is to ensure peace and security across the country. SACCI supports the position of President Jacob Zuma that the government cannot allow a situation where some individuals are free to intimidate others or incite violence. The majority of responsible workers who freely choose to return to work must be protected against intimidation and violence. Those workers who choose to participate in industrial action must respect the constitutional rights of their fellow workers and employers.

The unfortunate violence and intimidation perpetrated by some of the workers recently is not an indication that the mining industry is in crisis, but any risks of further illegal activity must be contained. It is for this reason that the presence of the SAPS is so critical.

SACCI hopes that the negotiations between the mining companies and the labour unions are resolved speedily.

Statement issued today the President of SACCI, Mr. Chose Choeu, September 17 2012

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