SADTU disappointed at the non-removal of the underperforming Minister of Basic Education from Cabinet.
While we welcome the announcement of new ministers and deputy ministers by President Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma, we would like express extreme disappointment over the fact that the changes did not affect the Department of Basic Education.
We are aware that the President reserves the right to install ministers and deputy ministers. However, we considered that our call for Minister Angie Motshekga's resignation would be taken into consideration due to her underperformance.
Our call is not out of malice but concern for education in South Africa. During her tenure, Motshekga has not effectively led the process of transformation and improving the quality of life of the African child. We have witnessed, among others, the non-delivery of textbooks and infrastructure in many of our schools.
We have also seen further polarization between the Department and educators - one of the main education stakeholders - due to the minister's undermining of the collective bargaining process. Minister Motshekga has been taken to court more than any minister. She has failed to produce a comprehensive draft on the Norms and Standards.
On May 5, 2013, we met with the Minister and she agreed to meet a host of our demands and we would, in return, suspend all protest action. A public joint statement containing an agreement on the demands as contained our memorandum was issued but it has not been implemented with the urgency it deserves in order to restore collective bargaining and provide stability in education.