SANEF strongly condemns attack on Al Jazeera bureau in Ramallah

This blatant attack on media freedom strikes at the heart of democratic principles, says Forum

SANEF Strongly Condemns Attack on Al Jazeera Bureau in Ramallah, Calls for Global Protection of Journalists

24 September 2024

The South African National Editors' Forum (SANEF) strongly condemns the recent raid by Israeli soldiers on Al Jazeera’s bureau in Ramallah, located in the occupied West Bank, and the subsequent forced closure of the bureau for 45 days. This blatant attack on media freedom strikes at the heart of democratic principles, as journalists must be free to report fairly, safely, and without fear of intimidation.

SANEF recognises this as a culmination of the Israeli government's ongoing efforts to harass and intimidate the Qatari broadcaster, Al Jazeera, ultimately leading to its closure. On 5 May, the Israeli government voted to shut down the channel, resulting in the raid on its offices, the removal of its broadcasts from Israeli providers, and the blocking of its websites—citing alleged bias against Israel.

This aggressive action is part of a broader pattern of escalating violence against journalists in conflict zones. According to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), 116 journalists have been killed in conflict areas. These figures represent far more than just statistics; they embody the tragic human cost of silencing the truth.

SANEF has consistently called for an end to the persecution and killing of journalists. We echo the sentiments of the United Nations (UN) and UNESCO, both of which have affirmed that "the safety of journalists is essential to ensuring freedom of expression and access to information for all." Journalists serve a critical function in holding power to account, speaking truth to power, and ensuring that the public remains informed—even in the most dangerous and challenging environments.

UN experts have also raised alarm over the rising attacks on journalists in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. In a February statement, they expressed deep concern over the "extraordinarily high numbers of journalists and media workers who have been killed, attacked, injured, and detained," particularly in Gaza, in recent months, in blatant disregard of international law.

SANEF stands in full solidarity with Al Jazeera and all journalists working in conflict zones across the globe. We call on governments worldwide to take immediate action to protect journalists' safety, in compliance with international law and human rights standards, and to support their indispensable role as the eyes and ears of society. An attack on media freedom anywhere is an attack on democracy everywhere.

Media freedom is non-negotiable, and SANEF will continue its unwavering fight to defend the rights of all journalists to report without fear or repression.

Note to Editors:

The South African National Editors’ Forum (SANEF) is a non-profit organisation whose members are editors, senior journalists, and journalism trainers from all areas of South African media. We are committed to championing South Africa’s hard-won freedom of expression and promoting quality, ethics, and diversity in the South African media. We promote excellence in journalism by fighting for media freedom, writing policy submissions, research, and education and training programmes. SANEF is not a union.

Statement issued by SANEF, 24 September 2024