SARS condemns assassination attempt on Adv Coreth Naude

Edward Kieswetter calls on law enforcement agencies to act with speed in pursuing and arresting those responsible

Assassination attempt of Advocate Naude

18 July 2024 – The Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (SARS) Mr Edward Kieswetter said that “he condemns in the strongest possible terms attempted assassination of Advocate Coreth Naude.

This shocking act is intended to intimidate officers of court to abandon the vital work they’re performing in furtherance of our country’s legal system. It undermines the authority of the State. Acts such as these and those who perpetrate it, must be resisted and defeated by all of us working together for the betterment of our country and ensuring that none is above the law.

SARS call on our law enforcement agencies to act with speed in pursuing and arresting those who attempted to take a life of Advocate Naude. SARS wishes Advocate Naude speedy recovery and wish her family well. We will not be intimidated by such acts of crime and cowardice.”

Statement issued by SARS, 18 July 2024