Joint media statement by education teacher unions and national governing body associations on the readiness of schools to re-open
7 June 2020
The five Teacher Unions (SADTU, NAPTOSA, SAOU, NATU, PEU) together with the School Governing Body Associations (FEDSAS, NASGB, GBF, SANASE) met with Minister Motshekga, the Deputy Minister, MECs of Provinces, the Director General in the Department of Basic Education, the Provincial HODs and various other officials, to receive reports from the Ministry about the COVID-19 Compliance of schools and readiness to re-open schools. We wish to emphasize that the meeting was open, frank and in a positive collaborative spirit that sought to join forces in combating a threat that affects not only everyone involved in education but also the future development of our country as a whole.
The Unions and SGB Associations heard of the progress made towards compliance. With the overall school readiness said to be 94%, the unions and SGB Associations consequently support the call to re-open schools on 08th June 2020 with the clear understanding that no school may open that is not Covid-19 compliant. It should be stated that three out of the nine provinces were still experiencing challenges with regard to the delivery of water tanks which will make the resumption of learning and teaching impossible unless alternative measures are taken to ensure that all learners receive education.
The Unions and SGB Associations cautiously welcome the progress.
We are particularly thankful for the extent of PPEs deliveries, the improvement in the number of completed water supply projects and the delivery and improvement of toilet facilities. This improvement came as a result of the constant emphasis by the Unions and SGB associations that water and sanitation are the non-negotiables in the fight against the spread of the virus.