Sexwale vs Mantashe: The full exchange

Statements issued by the ANC SG and the housing minister, January 19 -20 2010


The African National Congress (ANC) wants to clarify the status of the document (see report) that appeared on the first day of the three-day National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting under the name of NEC member Tokyo Sexwale.

The document that comrade Tokyo wrote as his contribution for the NEC to understand the circumstances that arose at last year's South African Communist Party (SACP) special congress regarding the ANC delegation, was not discussed at the NEC meeting.

The document was retrieved and referred for processing by the National Working Committee (NWC) together with other inputs of the other ANC delegates who attended the SACP special congress. After such processing, the composite report of all ANC delegates to the SACP special congress will be put before the NEC so as to enable the NEC to engage with the SACP in a bilateral on this matter and bring it to a close.

It is our belief that this clarity puts to rest any interpretations regarding the status of the document by comrade Tokyo.

Statement issued by Jackson Mthembu, African National Congress spokesperson, January 19 2010

Statement on behalf of NEC member Tokyo Sexwale in response to today's statement by the ANC on the NEC lekgotla and the report on the SACP congress, January 19 2010

Mr Sexwale welcomes the statement issued by the ANC today (see here), which clarifies the status of the report submitted to the NEC on the events at the SACP congress.

At the same time, the following must be very clearly stated:

1. Any suggestion that the report has "no status" in the ANC is both false and dubious - in fact, it is mischievous to attempt to disown this report.

2. Any suggestion that the report submitted by Mr Sexwale was "rejected" by the NEC is equally misleading and false. The document was tabled, and referred to the National Working Committee - a sub-structure of the NEC - for discussion. This was confirmed in the statement issued by the ANC today.

3. Any suggestion that the report was drafted without consultation is presumptuous and incorrect. Mr Sexwale discussed the drafting of his report with both ANC general-secretary Gwede Mantashe and Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe earlier this month. Its drafting was approved on the clear understanding that it would be circulated to members of the ANC NEC, by the Secretary-General, for discussion. This was confirmed in a discussion between Mr Sexwale and Mr Mantashe this morning.

Issued by Chris Vick, January 19 2010


The African National Congress (ANC) wants to re-iterate its position on the statement issued yesterday, titled: ANC Clarity On Media Reports Regarding The Status Of NEC Member Tokyo Sexwale's Document To The NEC (see here).

The  report as presented by the ANC NEC member, Cde Tokyo Sexwale, firstly was never discussed by the NEC, secondly, it was retrieved from the meeting and referred to the National Working Committee (NWC) for processing together with other reports of all ANC delegates to the South African Communist Party (SACP) Special Conference last year in December. It is after such processing that a composite report will then be tabled to the NEC to form the basis for engagement with the SACP on the matter.

It is very regrettable that some faceless people leaked this unprocessed document to the media for purposes and intentions only known to them. We also want to state categorically that any statements and comments that deviate from the factual account as put above, should be construed as nothing else either than grandstanding. It is unfortunate that Cde Tokyo Sexwale chose to take a fight on a non- issue.

Statement issued by ANC Secretary General Gwede Mantashe, January 20 2010

Statement by ANC NEC member Tokyo Sexwale in response to January 20 comments by the ANC Secretary-General, January 20 2010

It is unfortunate that Comrade Gwede Mantashe, who is at the centre of this controversy, chooses to trivialize a matter as important as the discussion which is coming before the National Working Committee and eventually the National Executive Committee.

I can only appeal to him, under the circumstances, to try to maintain his dignity as Secretary-General of our organization.

Statement issued by Chris Vick, January 20 2010

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