Shivambu a revolutionary leader for a new era – MKPYL

Youth league rejects baseless criticism against new National Organiser, says it’s because people fear progressive change party represents

The MKPYL stands firm behind our National Organiser, Mr Nyiko Floyd Shivambu: A revolutionary leader for a new era

25 August 2024

The uMkhonto weSizwe Party Youth League (MKPYL) is resolute in its defense of Nyiko Floyd Shivambu's appointment as National Organiser of the uMkhonto weSizwe Party.

We reject the recent wave of baseless criticism and online hostility directed at Comrade Shivambu as nothing more than the desperate tactics of those who fear the progressive change our movement represents. Comrade Shivambu's deployment could not have come at a more crucial time. As our party works tirelessly to strengthen its foundations and expand its influence at the grassroots level, we require leaders with both the political acumen and the commitment to advance our revolutionary agenda. Shivambu embodies these qualities and is fully equipped to help steer our movement toward the realisation of our collective aspirations.

It is unfortunate that certain detractors have chosen to react with bitterness and unfounded attacks simply because they cannot reconcile themselves with his decision to join the vanguard of the nation's struggle. These reactions are not only misguided but also reflect a deep-seated fear of the progressive forces that are reshaping the political landscape of our country.

We must emphasise that constructive political discourse is the lifeblood of any thriving democracy. However, the recent attacks on Comrade Shivambu are devoid of any genuine political critique and instead represent a toxic attempt to derail the forward march of our movement. We, as the MKPYL, categorically reject such attempts and stand in solidarity with Comrade Shivambu as he takes on this critical role.


A true revolutionary leader understands that criticism is part of the journey. They do not shy away from it but rather use it as an opportunity for reflection and growth. Comrade Shivambu is such a leader—one who was able to take an unpopular posture to advance the revolutionary agenda. We welcome his leadership and value his commitment to using his experience and skills to strengthen our party and advance the revolutionary cause.

The MKPYL calls on all progressive forces to recognise the strategic importance of Comrade Shivambu's appointment and to support him in his efforts to build a stronger, more united organisation. Our focus must remain on the political struggle at hand, not on the distractions created by those who are resistant to change.

To be clear, the advancement of our revolution will not be halted by detractors who are stuck in the past. Nyiko Floyd Shivambu's leadership represents a new era in our movement—one characterised by bold political strategy, unwavering commitment to the people, and a clear vision for the future. We are confident that under his guidance, the uMkhonto weSizwe Party will continue to grow in strength and influence.

We urge all members of the MKPYL and the broader revolutionary community to remain focused, politically astute and united in our common purpose. Together, we will continue to drive the change that our people so desperately need.

Issued by Nkateko Mkhabela, Head of Media & Communications, MKP, 26 August 2024