ANC NDC grants President Zuma postponement – MKP

Zuma will consult with representative and relevant stakeholders before making a decision on course of action

MK party statement on President Zuma’s ANC disciplinary hearing

18 July 2024

Umkhonto Wesizwe is pleased to learn from President Zuma that he has received a very positive report from his representative Cde Tony Yengeni indicating that everything went well at the ANC Disciplinary Committee hearing which ended earlier this afternoon.

Cde Yengeni attended the virtual meeting alone to convey the clear message that President Zuma prefers a physical hearing as previously agreed between himself and the ANC and as per the provisions of the ANC Constitution. Secondly, he applied for a postponement to a future date when such a physical hearing can be convened.

After a lengthy debate the NDC ruled that the matter will proceed on the virtual platform.

The NDC however granted the postponement in order to allow Cde Yengeni to convey the outcome to President Zuma and enable the holding of a pre-hearing conference.

The proposed date for the next hearing is the 23 July 2024. President Zuma is very happy to have been granted this opportunity. Naturally, in the meantime he will consult with his representative and other relevant stakeholders before making a decision on the next course of action. Until then he remains of the strongest view that, in these exceptional circumstances, the hearing should not only be physical but that it should also be opened up to the public.

Due to the understandable public interest and enquiries we are receiving on this matter, we will continuously update our members and the public on any new developments regarding President Zuma and this unfortunate harassment by the sell-out ANC of Ramaphosa.

Umkhonto Wesizwe wishes to add its voice to the call for openness and transparency in this important process. Those who have nothing to hide must live up to the rights and values enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.

We stand by our President! Victory is certain!

Issued by the MK Party, 18 July 2024