Swift action prevents xenophobic chaos in Overstrand – DA WCape

Party condemns opportunistic incitement by members of local political parties

Swift action in Overstrand prevents xenophobic chaos

2 July 2023

Members of the community in Zwelihle, Hermanus turned on foreign nationals residing in the area, after a Malawian man was arrested in connection with the murder of a young girl, whose body was discovered early on Wednesday near Zwelihle.

Gangs of youth started damaging municipal infrastructure on Thursday morning after members of the community turned the suspect's household contents onto the street and burned it on Wednesday evening. Law Enforcement was dispatched to protect municipal infrastructure whilst scores of foreign nationals fled the area in fear of their lives.

Overstrand mayor, Annelie Rabie, activated two undisclosed community centres in Hermanus where more than 600 women, children and men were accommodated overnight. Meals, bedding and mattresses were provided with generous assistance of businesses and residents of Hermanus.

The DA Overstrand appreciates the support of Western Cape Minister of Community Safety and Police Oversight, Reagan Allen, and Anton Bredell, Minister of Local Government, as well as the South African Police Services in Hermanus, along with Municipal Law Enforcement and the Hermanus Community Policing Forum.

We will continue to engage with the Department of Home Affairs, Immigration Services and the Department of Labour to encourage them to do their constitutional duties.

Although we fully appreciate the community's outrage at the murder of the young girl in Zwelihle, we condemn the opportunistic xenophobic incitement by members of local political parties which have now been directed at civil society.

It is appalling that political leaders use such tragic events to incite xenophobic violence and to spread false news regarding further threats of violence in Zwelihle. Scoring cheap political points by making xenophobic threats will no doubt cause more voters to turn away from such parties.

Politicians exploiting frustrations of South Africans living on the periphery of our economy by directing their anger at foreign nationals will carry the blood of these foreigners on their hands should such incitements come to fruition.

Issued by Rikus Badenhorst, DA Constituency Head, Overstrand, 2 July 2023