TB a national emergency – COSATU

Federation says Minister Motsoaledi must sound the alarm and give TB the urgent attention it deserves

COSATU declares TB a national emergency

24 July 2024

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) remains deeply alarmed that Tuberculosis (TB) continues to take the lives of 150 people a day in South Africa and yet it is curable.

Despite having progressive policies in place, COSATU is pained that 280 000 people still get infected and 54 000 die from TB each year.

The Federation calls on the Minister of Health, Aaron Motsoaledi, to sound the alarm and give TB the urgent attention it deserves.  We further urge Minister Motsoaledi to scale up TB interventions and implement policies that are already there, particularly:

Targeted universal testing in all provinces.

Annual TB screening for people living with HIV.

Close contact tracing.

Provide TB counselling to ensure adherence to treatment.

TB campaigns in all official languages to raise awareness.

Due to its close association to HIV, a stigma has developed around TB, making it difficult for people to seek treatment. Anyone can be infected with TB but people living with HIV are more at risk because their immune system is compromised. Other vulnerable groups in particular the poor and working class as they are more likely to live and travel in overcrowded conditions, where infection spreads easily. Lack of adequate nutrition might also mean their immune systems are unable to fight off the infection.

COSATU urges working class communities to visit their nearest health facility if they experience the following symptoms:

A prolonged cough, coughing up blood or mucus.

Chest pains.

Tiredness and weakness.

Weight loss.


Night sweats.

Lack of appetite.

The Federation commits itself to rolling out educational workplace awareness campaigns and programmes, as well as TB screening services at all major COSATU events. Importantly we urge Minister Motsoaledi and Treasury to ensure there is adequate funding to implement TB interventions with the ultimate goal of eradicating it as a public health threat by 2030. After all TB is curable.

Issued by Zanele Sabela, National Spokesperson, COSATU, 24 July 2024