Members of the Media
Ladies and Gentlemen
Today, the remains of Mam' Bertha Gxowa are being laid to rest in her final resting place. It is opportune for us to join the multitudes that are bidding farewell to this gallant heroine of the people's struggle for a peaceful, democratic, non-racial, non-sexist and prosperous South Africa. May her soul rest in peace!
In the recent past, there has been much speculation about an imminent cabinet reshuffle. I indicated that when the matter was on the table, I would accordingly invite you members of the media to inform through you the people of the Province and the public at large.
In the beginning of this term of government (4th), as part of my inaugural address, we tabled the Provincial Strategic Framework which highlighted the eight over-arching priorities for this government.
These were drawn from the National Priorities as enunciated by the State President, President J G Zuma.