Time for Minister Motshekga to stand up to SADTU – Gavin Davis

Under-performing teachers and principles should be held accountable, says DA

Minister Motshekga must account for failure to deal with SADTU

14 March 2016

The DA has received a letter requesting it to formally place items on the agenda for the Basic Education Portfolio Committee’s next meeting with Minister Motshekga.

We will use the opportunity to request a briefing from Minister Motshekga on initiatives to improve the quality of teaching, all of which have reportedly been stalled or blocked by the South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU).

In a letter sent to the Portfolio Committee Chairperson this morning, we requested Minister Motshekga to appear before the Committee to provide a comprehensive review of the following proposed initiatives and their current status:

Licensing of teachers;

Introduction of school inspectors;

Competency testing for entry into the teaching profession and for promotion;

Performance-related pay and incentives;

Competency testing for markers of National Senior Certificate examination papers;

The designation of teaching as an “essential service”; and

The implementation of performance contracts for school principals.

It should be noted that majority of these initiatives have been blocked by SADTU in the past. 

We believe it is time Minister Motshekga stood up to SADTU and took clear steps to improve the quality of teaching in our most disadvantaged schools. This starts with holding underperforming teachers and principals accountable.

On that note, the DA will also request a briefing from Minister Motshekga on the Ministerial Task Team’s “Jobs for Cash” investigation, due to be finalised this week.

We call on Minister Motshekga to be bold and fearless when it comes to good initiatives that do not enjoy the support of the ANC’s ally, SADTU. After all, the education of disadvantaged children is far more important than the internal politics of the tripartite alliance.

Issued by Gavin Davis, DA Shadow Minister of Basic Education, 14 March 2016