Tottenham Hotspur: Insistence on deal raises more red flags – Manny de Freitas

DA MP wants to know why SAT Board is so adamant to go ahead despite overwhelming opposition and objection

SAT Board insistence on the Tottenham deal raises more red flags

16 February 2023

Note to editors: Please find attached soundbite by Manny de Freitas MP.

The obstinate drive of Thozamile Botha, Chairperson of the South African Tourism (SAT) Board, to forge ahead with the Tottenham Hotspur deal, despite overwhelming public opposition and objection from the office of the president, raises more red flags.

This deal has seemingly led to the resignation of three SAT Board members. Following the objection from the office of the President, the Tourism Portfolio Committee held a marathon 8-hour meeting where members of the committee interrogated this issue in depth, confirming that this sponsorship would be money ill-spent and a slap in the face of deteriorating tourism infrastructure.

The question remains, why is the Board so adamant on going ahead with this R1 billion deal and who is really meant to benefit from this whim? Definitely not the taxpayer who will fund this venture.

The SAT Board can not be allowed to continue with this irresponsible project.

I will be tabling this matter at the next Portfolio Committee meeting and will be requesting that this form part of a Parliamentary investigation that the committee agreed to initiate.

Issued by Manny de Freitas, DA Shadow Minister of Tourism, 16 February 2023