WADA: We are working hard to become compliant - Zizi Kodwa

Minister says SAIDS Amendment Bill was approved by Cabinet and will now be tabled in Parliament

Update by Department of Sport, Arts and Culture, Minister Hon. Zizi Kodwa on the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) decision of South Africa’s non-compliance to the World Anti-Doping Code (2021)

10 October 2023

On 22 September 2023, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)’s Compliance Review Committee recommended that current South African legislation is non-compliant with the 2021 World Anti-Doping Code. This was later endorsed by WADA’s executive committee.

Since the announcement, the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture and I have pulled out all the stops to resolve the non-compliance by getting the South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport (SAIDS)Amendment Bill adopted expeditiously. I presented the Bill to Cabinet. Last week the Bill was approved by Cabinet and will now be tabled to Parliament. I am confident that WADA will recognise these efforts as a commitment to pass the amended legislation and suspend the non-compliance declaration.

I have also instructed SAIDS to file a notice to challenge WADA’s non-compliance declaration against South Africa through the Court of Arbitration in Sport (CAS). I believe the grounds for Appeal are strong and that the sanctions are not appropriate. The sanction as it pertains to the flying of the national flag has created unnecessary hysteria and punished athletes and players unfairly who are competing for the pride of South Africa.

The filing of the Appeal will stave off the consequences of the non-compliance as it applies to the flying of the South African flag at regional, continental and World Championships and Events, organised by Major Event Organisations. This means that the flying of the South African flag at events such as the Cricket and Rugby World Cups will not be affected until CAS rules on this challenge.

I note that the issue of singing the national anthem has been conflated with this non-compliance matter in the political space to slander Government and the ANC. The political barbs have ignored the rigid and uncompromising stance of WADA on this matter. South Africa is a constitutional democracy and enacting laws cannot just be done through the “stroke of a pen”.

Issued by Litha Mpondwana, Media Liaison Officer, Office of the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture, 10 October 2023