We'll haul Gigaba over the coals - NUM

Union says Eskom should ready itself for the mother of all strikes

NUM Condemns Eskom and Public Enterprises Minister: NUM vows to take the battle to Public Enterprises Minister and his gang of short-sighted silly advisers at Eskom

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) condemns in the strongest words possible the arrogance of both Eskom management and the Minister of Public Enterprises Malusi Gigaba in advocating a new tendency of non-consultation with the trade unions on a variety of issues at Eskom.

Traditionally, the NUM and other unions have always been consulted and invited to Eskom ‘s financial results announcement as major stakeholders at the parastatal. The NUM is saddened that as a trade union that represents over 16 000 Eskom workers, it has not been invited to the presentation of Eskom ‘s financial results nor has it been consulted now of late.

The NUM vows to haul the arrogant Minister and his short-sighted team of advisers and silly bureaucrat on the coals. The NUM vows to take Eskom and the Minister on and has called on its members to organise themselves and be ready for a mother of all strike actions at the parastatal demanding consultation, a minimum service level agreement and the fact that its management team received a 109% increment in 2010.

"We note with serious concern our marginalisation as a union under the new minister and we are going to take action" says NUM General Secretary.

Statement issued by Lesiba Seshoka, NUM spokesman, June 28 2011

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