We’re ready to hold ‘Grand Coalition’ govt to account – ActionSA

Party says it cannot in good faith vote for the candidates for the offices of President, Speaker or Deputy Speaker

ActionSA ready to be a constructive opposition that holds the ‘Grand Coalition’ government to account

14 June 2024

Following today’s deliberations by the ActionSA Caucus in the National Assembly, the Party has resolved that since none of the parties involved in the “Grand coalition” have had the courtesy to advise us what the composition is of the proposed government we cannot in good faith vote for the candidates for the offices of President, Speaker or Deputy Speaker at today's inaugural meeting as this would be tantamount to voting for a “pig in a poke”.

This decision is taken against the context of ActionSA being an uncompromised opposition party that will deal with each decision in Parliament on its merits and in the interest of SA and its people. Given that the negotiated grand coalition did not possess the humility to engage ActionSA about the candidates they would nominate, ActionSA's support will be withheld.

ActionSA will not vote for candidates without the knowledge of how the cabinet will be formed, the reduction of ministries, the removal from contention of those implicated in state capture and the fitness for purpose of those nominated to head ministries. ActionSA will not support a ‘lucky packet' government.

While ActionSA is aware that our support will likely not be material to the outcome of the election today, we offer the free advice from a party with leaders who have run successful coalitions – just because you don’t need someone today doesn’t mean you won’t need them tomorrow.

ActionSA is troubled by the tone set by this government when it believes it is above engaging and consultating with the opposition. It causes the very real concern that this grand coalition will govern with disdain for the opposition. Our young democracy has seen arrogant majority governments treating the opposition with disdain which makes it surprising that this mooted “Grand coalition” government has gotten off on the same footing so quickly.

ActionSA will seek engagements with representatives of this grand coalition in the coming days to invite a more engaging and consultative working relationship with opposition parties going forward.

It is hoped that the grand coalition government learns from this experience that ActionSA will be a constructive opposition with our support being available on the merits of the decision in question. This will be a precondition to this engagement and consultation.

Issued by Athol Trollip, Parliamentary Caucus Leader, ActionSA, 14 June 2024  


ActionSA Notes Election of Office Bearers, Pledges to be Constructive Opposition

14 June 2024

ActionSA notes the outcomes of the election of office bearers during the inaugural meeting of the National Assembly today and respects the outcomes of the institution of our Parliament.

Despite withholding our vote for President Ramaphosa given a lack of information of how the coalition government will be constituted, ActionSA wishes President Ramaphosa, Speaker Didiza and Deputy Speaker Lotriet well in the execution of their constitutional duties.

ActionSA affirms to these office bearers, and the parties they represent, that ActionSA will play the role of a constructive opposition in Parliament. When consulted about rational and beneficial proposals that serve South Africans, ActionSA’s support can be counted upon. However, when accountability needs to be meted out, ActionSA will be the strongest voice in Parliament and will not relent in holding any member of the executive to account.

With the election of the DA/ANC coalition, it is now time to move on from the politics of fear of the ‘worst possible outcome’ and move on the politics of performance. ActionSA will not allow the bar of effective government to be lowered simply because the alternative may have been a less desirable outcome. The ‘least worst’ outcome does not justify compromised governance.

ActionSA remains concerned that opposition parties taking up positions, with their associated perks and privileges, in government with the ANC will undermine the principles of transparency and accountability. There are fundamental differences between the parties in this new coalition, and it remains to be seen how they navigate these differences while maintaining the stability they have promised.

In this respect ActionSA remains committed to working with other uncompromised opposition parties in the rational centre to ensure that this government does not go unchecked given the ANC’s extensive record in corruption and maladministration.

Statement issued by Athol Trollip, ActionSA Parliamentary Caucus Leader, 14 June 2024