Why did ICD rent building from Roux Shabangu? - DA

Dianne Kohler Barnard says the rentals appear to be inflated

DA requests Public Protector to investigate potential new lease scandal

I will today be writing to the Public Protector to request that an investigation is opened into another potential lease scandal involving the Department of Public Works and Roux Shabangu.

This follows revelations by the Independent Complaints Directorate (ICD) to the Portfolio Committee of Police, in which Mr Shabangu was named as the owner of a building secured by the Department of Public Works to be the ICD's new headquarters in Pretoria.

As with the SAPS lease deal scandal in which Mr Shabangu was implicated, the rent for the ICD's premises is reportedly grossly inflated. As a result the ICD's total rental expenditure for the past financial year has increased by 400% from R4.2 million to R15.6 million.

According to reports, the cost of renting the building is not only outside of the ICD's budget, but the premises are too large for the ICD's requirements.

The ICD's total rental expenditure for the past financial year has increased by 400% as a result of the new Shabangu deal. This has placed financial pressure on the ICD, hindering its ability to carry out its vital function of investigating complaints made against SAPS members.

Questions must be asked about Mr Shabangu's continued involvement in shady state deals, particularly given his reported connections to influential members of government, including President Jacob Zuma.

In August, the DA laid criminal charges against Mr Shabangu for his role in the SAPS lease deal saga. In light of this latest dubious deal, I will not only be requesting an investigation by the Public Protector, but will also be writing to the Hawks to follow up on the progress of the investigation into Mr Shabangu. 

Statement issued by Dianne Kohler Barnard MP, DA Shadow Minister of Police, November 2 2011

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