Workers congratulated for rejecting COSATU – EFF

Fighters say workers must now reject the federation’s alliance partner the ANC, which is currently presiding over their misery

EFF congratulates all workers for rejecting COSATU on their so-called National Day of Action

6 July 2023

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) congratulates and salutes all the workers of South Africa for decisively rejecting the imposter Union Federation known as the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU).

The so-called biggest workers federation in South Africa attempted to have a National Day of Action today, the 06th of July 2023, which ended in monumental failure. COSATU, which claims to have a presence in various spheres of labour in South Africa, could not muster a substantial presence anywhere in South Africa, as workers continued with their affairs and the country operated normally.

Many South Africans would be surprised to know that today, a Union Federation that has, for so long, boasted to be the representative of the bulk of organised labour, had strikes across South Africa. This shows that workers have rejected COSATU.

The EFF, since its formation, long identified that unions that are affiliated to the ruling party will be swallowed into reform politics of patronage, and this is exactly what has happened to COSATU. They are too preoccupied with self-interest rather than servicing the needs of workers.

The EFF calls on all workers to replicate their rejection of COSATU by rejecting their alliance partner, which is currently presiding over the misery of workers, on the ballot in 2024.

Workers Of South Africa Must Unite Behind The Agenda Of Economic Freedom In Our Lifetime!

Issued by Sinawo Thambo, National Spokesperson, EFF, 6 July 2023