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The ANC represents Moses, the DA Pharaoh

Phatse Justice Piitso says the opposition seeks to whitewash the appalling socio-economic legacy apartheid inflicted on the black majority

The DA is whitewashing the responsibility of the appalling socio economic conditions imposed by the legacy of racist Apartheid regime on our people

Cde Vladimir Lenin says the following about the significance of the marxist scientific revolutionary theory in the overall struggle of our people"

Our revolutionary scientific theory is the weapon to make us judge and define the methods of struggle correctly. It is a weapon that helps us analyse and understand correctly the cause of development of human society at every moment, to analyse and understand correctly every turning point of society and to carry out the revolutionary transformation of society".

The above profound theoretical preposition by this most outstanding genius of our revolutionary epoch has become more relevant ever than before. The marxist leninist theory constitute the basic guiding tool in our daily forms of struggle to make the world a better place for humanity.

Our theory is the most powerful weapon that make us understand how to contribute solutions to the complex challenges facing humanity. It is indeed not the consciousness of man that determines his being but on the contrary the social being that determines the consciousness.

The order of historical events take place in accordance with the prevailing concrete material conditions of the time. Therefore declaration of political independence of nation states does not only signify the end but the beginning of protracted forms of complex struggle for socio economic transformation.

The demise of the Apartheid regime was the most spectacular colourful panorama of an event in the calendar of the glorious chapters of the history books of the struggle of our people. The defeat of the Apartheid pariah state was indeed the greatest achievement ever in the epoch of human civilization.

Our common struggle and determination saw the defeat of the most brutal system of national oppression, class exploitation and gender inequalities. The most horrendous regime ever in the history of the development of mankind.

The demise heralded the greatest historical period of the end and the beginning of a transition from Apartheid colonial rule to the new dispensation of a democratic social order. A matrix that represents a tremendous change in the political and socio economic fabric of our society.

The realities of the new improved conditions of our transition offer possibilities to accelerate the process of building a better life to all our people. It is offering the necessary impetus to intensify our struggle against the centuries old legacy of imperialism and Apartheid colonialism

Our national democratic revolution has reached a point of no return. Our revolutionary project of our transition to build a new national democratic society has become irreconcilable with the realities our historical past.

The powerhouse of our national democratic revolution is the ongoing struggle to construct a non racial, non sexist, democratic and prosperous society. A struggle to establish a society founded on the fundamental principles of freedom, equality and prosperity.

But dialectical materialism teaches us that where there is a revolution there is always a counter revolution. The law of motion says for every action in the universe there is always a reaction to the opposite site.

Our country has become a battleground between the forces of the revolution and the forces of counter revolution. It has become an arena of antagonistic contradictions between the leading forces of our national democratic struggle and the forces of imperialism and Apartheid neo colonial state.

The theatre of struggle between the two forces of our revolution and counter revolution is like a titanic war between two religions. A titanic war whose its battleground is the garden of Eden.

Our national liberation movement represents Moses whilst the DA represents Pharaoh. Moses is leading the struggle of the people into the promise land of Israel whilst Pharaoh represents the struggle to subjugate the people back into the land of bondage and slavery.

The struggle led by our national liberation movement the ANC represents the whole of humanity, the black people in general and the Africans in particular whilst the struggle by the DA represents the few and the white people in particular.

The ANC represents the wishes and aspirations of the majority of our people, the black people in general and the Africans in particular. The struggle for the construction of a national democratic society, a struggle for radical socio economic transformation of our society.

The DA represents the wishes and the aspirations of the few of our people, the white people in particular. It seeks to whitewash the responsibility of appalling socio economic conditions imposed on our people by the legacy of the racist Apartheid regime.

Our greatest thread is the continued effort by our historic enemy to undermine the achievements of our national democratic revolution. The DA is there to undermine the task of our revolution to build a new democratic society.

The blood and the sweat of our people led to the demise of what the whole of the international community declared as a crime against humanity. The reason why our people should give the enemy no quarter to reverse our advance to freedom, peace and tranquility.

Our democracy and freedom is indeed a hallmark of endigible contribution of the majority of the people of our country to the cause of our struggle for national liberation. We appreciate the determination of our people to take forward the tasks of our national democratic revolution to its logical conclusion.

Our first and foremost task is to defend our national liberation movement and its collective leadership. The strategic approach of the enemy forces is to draw a battle line between our people and the leadership of our movement.

The mounting attacks to the President of the ANC and our democratic republic, Cde Jacob Zuma and our entire collective leadership is an attack to the people of our country and our future. The attack on the ANC and its leadership is the attack on the future of our people.

The reason why our people have to defend their national democratic revolution against all of adversity.  The reason why our people have to understand the fundamental logic that no revolution succeeds without a counter offensive.

Phatse Justice Piitso is the former Ambassador to the republic of Cuba and the former provincial secretary of the SACP writing this article on his personal capacity.

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