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"What the tobacco ad ban can teach the liquor industry" - MarkLives

And four other great media and marketing reads from the website this week including...

What the tobacco ad ban can teach the liquor industry

If restrictions imposed by the proposed Control of Marketing of Alcohol Products Bill resemble those in the Tobacco Products Control Act, we could see virtually every means of advertising or promoting alcohol beverages being prohibited.

Newspaper ABCs Q3 - graphs & stats

Extracts from the latest 3rd Quarter ABC presentation for newspaper circulation.

Consumer magazines lost more than 800k copies over twelve months

Extracts from the 3rd Quarter ABC presentation for magazine circulation figures.

Content marketing: The 1 million club declines

The latest ABC circulation results show that content marketing (custom magazines) titles lost some ground compared to the same reporting period a year ago - circulation fell to 12,395,274 from 13,427,811.

The big surf brand wipeout

The "big three" Australian surf brands have found themselves in choppy financial waters. Billabong, one of Australia's most iconic surf brands confirmed a $386 million refinancing agreement with US consortium Centerbridge-Oaktree Capital Management acquiring a 40% share, guaranteeing the struggling brand's short-term future after it posted an $859 million loss last financial year.

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