COPE in policy review - Smuts Ngonyama

Party says new policies will resonate with ordinary South Africans


Policy review: To Revive the South African Vision!

Starting from tomorrow, COPE will be having its second two day policy workshop.  The objective of the party is to come up with policies that are well grounded and speak to the challenges of the nation; namely combating poverty, waging war against corruption, ensuring security and consolidating the gains of our democracy.

The government has lost its moral compass.  Thousands are protesting daily on account of service delivery failures.  On a daily basis, people are showing their disregard of some of the key constitutionally created institutions of our country like the public protector and the judiciary.  The supremacy of the constitution is being challenged.

The magnitude of unemployment in our country is a matter of grave concern to all of us.  It is also a matter of great concern to the region.  Lots of promises have been made but none of these have been fulfilled.  The much vaunted New Growth Path remains a damp squib.

The policies of a political party constitutes its lifeblood.  Like other peoples of the world such as the Egyptians, Tunisians and the Libyans, we too recognize the time for change is now.  We are confident that the policy positions that we are tabling for debate, refinement and amplification will re-invigorate members of the party and members of the public in general who may have lost faith in the party as a result of its recent challenges.  It is time to overcome these obstacles and with renewed vigor to forge ahead with the new agenda for change and hope for all South Africans.

The call by COPE President Mosiuoa Lekota for the renewal of the organisation and revival of the South African vision will be answered.  We will recapture the spirit of the National Convention in Sandton and the founding Congress in Bloemfontein.  We will present a roadmap to the people of South Africa where through a Government of the people, by the people, for the people and with the people will allow citizen democracy to flourish.

The policies that will be approved at the end of the conference will resonate with South Africans on trains, taxis, buses and wherever people congregate.  These policies will address issues of the ideology of COPE, grass roots black economic empowerment, nationalization, support for chapter 9 institutions, improvements in education, health and housing, energy matters, climate change, combating corruption, expanding employment and achievement of a common national identity and co-operation with other political parties amongst other issues.

Members have expressed a very keen interest in this workshop and we expect the discussions to be lively and far reaching.  The shaping of our destiny is at hand. We call upon South Africans to respond in like manner and we also hope these policies will stimulate a good debate.

Statement issued by Smuts Ngonyama, COPE Head of Policy, September 29 2011

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