COPE CNC adopts renewal plan for party

All members required to renew members, branches must hold AGMs by end of March 2012

Statement of the Congress National Committee of COPE

The Congress National Committee (CNC) of the Congress of the People held its ordinary session on the 10th and 11th September 2011.

A political overview was given by the President of the Party Hon. Mosiuoa Lekota (MP) in which he recalled the critical responsibility of leaders to constantly redefine the reality in which the party found itself.

In this context it was clear that as in all historical experiences, our country is not an exception to the experience that by achieving their objective of liberating their respective countries, liberation movements create conditions for their own demise as they become arrogant and start taking people for granted. In addition the glue that moulded several formations in the liberation struggle begins to melt as is evidenced by current developments in the ruling Party and its Alliance.

It is in this context that the Congress National Committee adopted a Programme for the Renewal of the Party. This programme will accelerate the strengthening of party structures to ensure that it fills the void created by the on-going implosion ruling party.

This therefore will position the party to fulfil the expectations of South Africans for the Congress of the People to emerge as a viable alternative. Still is still the hope of South Africans.

The Party Renewal Programme (PRP), entails

a) All members are required to renew their membership using a new form adopted by the CNC over the weekend

b) all branches must hold their Annual General Meetings (AGMs) by not later than the end of March 2012.

c) Regional Congresses must take place not later than the end of April 2012

d) Provincial Congresses must be held not later than the end of June 2012

e) National Congress be held not later than by the end of October 2012

In line with this programme of action the Party will further embark on a number of campaigns including

a) Engage other opposition parties to respond to the deepening crisis facing our country the details of which will be discussed by the next CNC meeting at the end of the month.

b) In order to accelerate the implementation of its Party Renewal Programme the CNC resolved to assign the Acting Deputy General Secretary and Head of International Affairs, Hon. Lyndall Shope-Mafole (MPL) with the task of spending a substantial amount of her time based at the Head office of the party.

The CNC recalled with deep sadness the assassination of its former Member of Parliament the late Bishop Tolo and makes a fresh call to the police and members of the Public to find his assassinators.

The Congress of the People takes this opportunity to wish Hon Mangosuthu Buthelezi (MP), President of Inkhata Freedom Party, a restful recovery. We also wish to extend our condolences to the families of the victims of the car accident in the North West in which, amongst others, eleven teachers died. This is a great lost to our education system and country in general. We also extend our condolences to the government and people of the Republic of Tanzania on the tragic accident in Zanzibar.

As it joins other peace-loving people the world over today marks the 34th anniversary of the assassination of comrade Bantu Steve Biko, a tireless fighter for freedom in our country, the Congress of the People re-iterates its commitment to ensuring that it will continue with its commitment to defend our constitutional democracy -a logical continuation of the struggle for which comrade Biko and many other South Africans, black and white, lost their lives.

Statement issued by Noko Moloto, Spokesperson of Hon. M. Lekota (MP), President of the Congress of the People, September 12 2011

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