New Basic Education Minister welcomed – Mmusi Maimane

BOSA leader offers 10 key interventions to help new minister improve the education system in SA

BOSA Leader Mmusi Maimane offers support to new Basic Education Minister on 10 key interventions

15 July 2024

There remain two education systems in South Africa. One for the rich, and one for the rest. A dual education system is the dream of the architects of apartheid. It is our job to build One education system that serves all 24 000 learners, regardless of language or background.

House chairperson, last week the Public Protector released a report into the Mayibuye Primary School in Gauteng as I laid a formal complaint nearly 4 years ago after personally visiting the school.

To date the school has cost the taxpayer almost R100 million yet is out of operation. The school was built on a wetland in 2018 and is unsafe for human habitation as sewerage floors through its grounds.

The PP found maladministration and impropriety by government as politically contractors profited from this catastrophe.

This “swamp school” acts as a representation of all that is wrong with our education system and how it fails our young people.

After 15 years in charge, I welcome the decision by President Ramaphosa to dismiss Angie Motshekga and hire Siviwe Gwarube as Minister.

Minister, your task is immense. The challenges facing this department are deeply entrenched; Lack of resources and infrastructure, low standards and a weak curriculum, pit toilets, crowded classrooms, unaccountable and under-equipped teachers, and textbook shortages.

Rest assured, BOSA will support you when you act in the best interests of the 24 000 learners. And BOSA will hold your feet to the fire when you do not.

BOSA will support you in scrapping the 30% pass mark for subjects

We will support you in Introducing an independent education ombudsman

We will support you in increasing budget for digital learning and infrastructure

We will support you in higher pay for performing teachers

We will support you in a nationwide skills audit for educators

We will support you in establishing a functional teacher training college

We will support you in scrapping the BELA bill

We will support you in scrapping the grade 9 school leaving certificate

We will support you in creating posts for unemployed teachers

And we will support you in addressing union power over the education system.

Given the R300 billion national budget allocated to education, every student should receive an education that prepares one for a future economy, opportunities for lifelong learning, and for a career of their choice.

That is the measure of success or failure of this department, and of you, Minister.

Issued by Roger Solomons, BOSA Acting Spokesperson, 15 July 2024