Cele’s sabotage of DPCI Judge appointment process condemned – EFF

Fighters say former minister’s actions amount to nothing less than a calculated effort to shield the corrupt from accountability

EFF statement on Bheki Cele’s sabotage of the DPCI Judge appointment process

18 October 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the blatant sabotage of justice and accountability perpetrated by former Police Minister Bheki Cele, who failed to appoint a Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (Hawks) judge for nearly two years. This dereliction of duty has crippled the Hawks' ability to investigate corruption, misconduct, and political interference within its ranks, enabling criminal elements in the state to thrive unchallenged.

This is not mere incompetence; it is a deliberate act of undermining the very structures meant to protect the people from corruption and abuse of power. Cele's refusal to extend Judge Frans Kgomo's term and his scandalous delay in appointing a replacement judge have wreaked havoc on the DPCI, leaving the office paralysed, unable to finalise any findings of corruption or misconduct for an entire financial year.

Bheki Cele's actions amount to nothing less than a calculated effort to shield the corrupt from accountability. By leaving this critical position vacant for so long, Cele and the ANC provided the corrupt, politically connected elite with two years of impunity, as they continued to loot and abuse state resources unchecked. This is the behaviour of an enemy of the people—one who conspires with criminal syndicates to destroy the future of this country.

The impact of this betrayal has been catastrophic. As the DPCl's Office of the Judge has confirmed, no investigations with adverse findings could be concluded for the entire 2023/24 financial year because there was no judge in place to finalise them. As it stands there are 32 cases within the mandate of the DPCI that are concluded but awaiting sign off, due to this delay in appointment. The ANC allowed South Africa's crime-fighting body to be hollowed out from the inside, ensuring that justice remains out of reach for the people of this country.

The EFF has consistently highlighted the corrupt nature of Bheki Cele, who was incompetent in catching criminals and dealing with the crime problems of this country, and it becomes clearer and clearer that it is simply because he himself benefited from the rampant nature of crime in this country. In fact, according to the DPCl's annual report, the nature and behaviour of the former Minister Police saw an increase in complaints against SAPS member due to misconduct and criminal behaviour.

The EFF demands an urgent investigation into Cele's actions, and we call for the immediate strengthening of the DPCl's Office of the Judge. The appointment process for critical roles like these must never again be left in the hands of incompetent and corrupt ministers like Cele. The EFF reiterates its call for the full independence and resourcing of institutions meant to fight corruption, free from political interference.

Issued by Leigh-Ann Mathys, National Spokesperson, EFF, 17 October 2024