DA on a fishing expedition over Limpopo textbooks - DBE

Dept says opposition trying to keep issue alive for cheap political point scoring

The Democratic Alliance (DA) fails in their fishing expedition on textbooks

5 Mar 2013

The Department of Basic Education is inundated by calls from schools in Limpopo claiming the Democratic Alliance (DA) wants to force them to publicly declare that they have not received books regardless of the evidence of delivery. The fishing expedition of the DA is an attempt to keep the issue about textbooks alive for cheap political point scoring.

The reality of the matter is that even bodies that have interest in textbooks like Section 27 and the Principal Association have accepted that compared to last year, the delivery of textbook this year has been outstanding.

The department has accepted that indeed there are shortages due to the changes in learner enrolments across provinces but the department has since received a communiqué from all schools outlining the shortages. We have now dispatched teams to rectify this situation urgently.

We are worried that the DA is now relying on bullying our schools to paint a bad picture about the department for cheap political point scoring.

Statement issued by the Department of Basic Education, March 5 2013

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