FF Plus joins forces with ANC to oust mayor in Oudtshoorn – DA

FF Plus has presented itself as a “reliable coalition partner” but more and more examples demonstrate the contrary

Freedom Front Plus joins forces with the ANC to oust mayor in Oudtshoorn MONC vote

25 July 2024

The Democratic Alliance will review its coalition partner strategy in the East Region of the Western Cape following the betrayal by the Freedom Front Plus (FF+) in colluding with the ANC to remove a DA mayor from office in Oudtshoorn.

The FF+ has always presented itself as a "reliable coalition partner" for the DA. However, we have more and more examples to demonstrate the contrary. The FF+ has just spent an entire election campaign looking for votes by promising to go into a coalition with the DA. Today it did a spectacular flip-flop to remove DA mayor, Chris Macpherson from office.

The FF+ joined the PA, GOOD and the Oudtshoorn Community Initiative in voting against mayor Macpherson in the motion of no confidence. In doing this, they did not only topple the government, but they also betrayed the voters of Oudtshoorn, who will now likely end up with an ANC-led government.

As such the DA will review its relationship with parties in the region, that are regarded as unreliable coalition partners. The DA is completely committed to serving the residents of the municipality without fear or favour and will continue to work to improve service delivery to the people of Oudtshoorn. We look forward to the 2026 election.

Issued by Venolea Fortuin, DA Regional Chairperson, East Region, Western Cape, 25 July 2024