Funding for SANDF a top priority – Committee

Report shows challenges of limited funding and lack of logistical support, continue to put lives of members of SANDF at risk

Defence Committee commits to make funding for SANDF a top priority

13 July 2024

The Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military has considered and adopted its budget vote reports on the Department of Defence (DOD), the Department of Military Veterans (DMV), and associated entities including the Castle Control Board (CCB) and the Armaments Corporation of South Africa (Armscor).

The committee believes that securing proper funding for the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) is of utmost urgency. The committee remains deeply concerned that the deployment of the SANDF, specifically its deployment as part of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (SAMIDRC) that remains unfunded.

The report of the committee indicates that the challenges of limited funding and lack of logistical support, continue to put the lives of members of the SANDF at risk. The committee has identified several critical areas that need immediate attention and that effective collaboration is essential to address funding and operational requirements. This includes not only proposals for engagement between the DOD and National Treasury, but also engagements within Parliament between the committee and other committees that include the Joint Standing Committee on Finance.

The committee further noted National Treasury's stance that it cannot condone a cumulative irregular expenditure exceeding R10 billion until the DOD reduces employee costs to acceptable levels. The committee will further engage on the matter of employee costs during the 7th Parliament.

The newly elected chairperson of the committee, Mr Dakota Legoete, stressed the importance of clear communication between the DOD and the committee regarding national interest versus costs and expenditures. He said that the committee must be fully informed to ensure proper oversight and decision-making.

The committee is committed to collaborating closely with all relevant stakeholders to ensure the financial and operational stability of the DOD and its associated entities, thereby enhancing the effectiveness and readiness of the SANDF to fulfil its constitutional mandate.

The Department of Defence and Military Veterans Budget Vote Debate will be held on Monday, 15 July 2024.

Issued by Jabulani Majozi, Media Officer, Parliamentary Communication Service, 13 July 2024