High number of baby deaths at Sebokeng hospital - Jack Bloom

DA MPL says concerned staff claim deaths could've been avoided with better care


I am concerned by the high number of baby deaths at the Sebokeng hospital in south Gauteng.

According to a written reply by Gauteng Health MEC Hope Papo to my questions in the Gauteng Legislature, 158 babies died at this hospital from January to November 2012.

The reasons for the deaths were as follows:

Prematurity  - 80

Neonatal sepsis - 56

Birth asphyxia - 16

Congenital abnormalities -  6

Concerned staff at the hospital say that some of these deaths could have been avoided with better care. Some doctors at the maternity unit are allegedly doing private work when they should be at the hospital assisting births.

No disciplinary action has been taken in connection with any of the deaths.

The department says that Mortality and Morbidity meetings are held concerning each death, and measures taken to improve care.

An independent investigation is needed as I suspect that absentee doctors are leading to babies dying who could have been saved.

Statement issued by Jack Bloom MPL, DA Gauteng Health Spokesman, January 10 2013

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