"Lovers took our kids!" - Daily Sun

"Dads believed to have taken children to Egypt" - front page lead, June 26 2015

Daily Sun (June 26 2015) - THE WORRIED mothers clung to the hope that their children would soon be back in their loving arms.

But their hopes were shattered when they got Facebook messages from the children’s fathers.


Lyrishia Daniels (30) left her five-year-old son Yasin Elsayed in the care of his Egyptian father, Reyad Elsayed.

On the same day, Alicia Bosaletsi (30) left her daughter Rohima-Mirriam Elsebaei (5) with her Egyptian father, Tamer Abdulhamio.

The two mothers from Heidedal, Mangaung, Free State said they last saw their kids on Wednesday 17 June.

“Tamer and I took Rohima for her routine medical checkup. Tamer said he wanted to take Rohima for lunch,” said Alicia.

“I never thought he would disappear with my little girl,” she said.

Alicia said she later phoned Tamer, who said they were in Kimberley and would be back soon.

“Then he sent me a message saying he was in Egypt with my daughter because his family needed to see her,” cried Alicia.

Lyrishia said she went to work on Wednesday and left her child with her ex-boyfriend Reyad, who always took the boy to school.

“But when I got home my son wasn’t there. I called Reyad but his phone was on voicemail.”

“Later he sent me a message saying I should relax and that he would bring my child back after Ramadan, in a month’s time.”

This year, Ramadan ends on the evening of 17 July.

Free State Home Affairs manager Bonakele Mayekiso said it was highly improbable that they could skip the country unless they used borders that did not have security.

Mayekiso told Daily Sun: “The new regulations state that if one parent is with a child, he or she should have an affidavit from the other parent to let the child cross the border. All the border posts are strict about that law, especially when it comes to children.”

Police spokesman Captain Chaka Marope said a missing persons file was registered with Park Road police and was transferred to Heidedal.

Marope said the police are still looking for the two children and the investigations are underway.

“The two children have not been found. We will be linking with Interpol for further investigations into the matter,” said Marope.

Lyrishia said they are going mad with worry.

“Anyone who knows what is happening with our children must please contact the police,” said the desperate mum.

See the Daily Sun’s new website for more on this and other stories....


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