NUMSA must explain why it shouldn't be expelled - COSATU

Federation also declines request for SNC, says it has received Sizwe Ntsaluba Gobodo forensic report

Media statement on COSATU Special CEC meeting

11 February 2014

The Congress of South African Trade Unions held a Special Central Executive Committee meeting on 10 February 2014, duly convened by the NOBs as per the directives of the 2013 November CEC, in line with the clause 5.3.2 of the COSATU constitution which says that the NOBs, or not less than 1/3 of the affiliates on requisition, can request a special meeting of the CEC.

The Special CEC was convened to discuss and decide on (a) the Sizwe Ntsaluba Gobodo forensic Report (b) receive a report on the convening of the COSATU Special National Congress, (b) NUMSA Special National Congress Declaration and its impact on COSATU Policies and Resolutions, (c) receive a report on the Facilitated Process and (d) attend to the matters relating to the Zwelinzima Vavi investigation report, charges and disciplinary hearing.

The meeting quorated in line with the COSATU constitution, though and nine affiliated unions did not attend the meeting, including eight of those who signed the request for a Special National Congress (SNC). Two unions submitted apologies.

The meeting observed a moment of silence on the passing away of many of our great cadres and outstanding revolutionaries of our movement. Foremost amongst these are comrade Nelson Mandela, the greatest leader of our revolution and the first President of a democratic South Africa, who led the country through the critical 1994 democratic breakthrough with distinction, Comrade Reggie September, a dedicated servant of our people and one of the distinguished revolutionaries of our struggle, Comrade Crosby Moni, yet another committed communist and a dedicated trade unionist to the core and a loyal cadre of our movement, and comrade Thembi Nkuna (Nabe), the former General Secretary of the Metal and Allied Workers Union (MAWU) which was the fore-runner to NUMSA, a brilliant cadre and a committed servant of the workers .

The CEC also paid respect to the workers who died at Doornkop Gold Mine. In this context COSATU continues to call on mine employers to invest in the safety of mine workers.

Election campaign

The meeting also met as we enter the third phase of the election programme and it called on all members and society at large, especially young people, to register to vote. Voting is important and registration is open until when the election date is gazetted. Therefore all our people should register during working hours at their municipal offices.

COSATU repeats its call to the President of the country to declare 7 May a non-trading public holiday, so that all workers can vote without any hindrance from employers.

Community protests

COSATU recognises the right to protest, but that protests have to be peaceful, and not lead to violence, the destruction of property and the taking of lives. It is unacceptable for protests over service delivery to lead to damage buildings that provide the very services they are demanding.

We appeal to community leaders and local municipalities to intervene and address the people on their concerns in time. The responsibility of the police is to safeguard the right to protest, protect people and property and prevent criminal activity and rioting, but in so doing, we appeal on them to exercise restraint.

Sizwe Ntsaluba Gobodo forensic report

The CEC received the final report by auditors Sizwe Ntsaluba Gobodo (SNG) on the conclusions of their investigation into allegations concerning:

- The sale of the old COSATU House and the purchase of the new COSATU House; 

- A possible conflict of interest concerning the suspended General Secretary and his step-daughter who was employed by a service provider doing business with COSATU;

- The handling of the Financial Services Board report into the affairs of COSATU investment company, Kopano ke Matla (KKM).

The report found irregularities which include but not limited to the following:

a)With regard the purchasing of the new COSATU House and the selling of the old COSATU house, which also included the inflation of the price paid for the new building.
b)Conflict of interest with regard to the employment of the step daughter to the General Secretary on her employment by the VMS company 
c)Conflict of interest with regard to the business partnership between VMS and the wife of the General Secretary
d)Irregularities with regard to the KKM CEO.
e)Irregularities with regard to the Board of Directors of CUBAH properties 

The NOBs will be seeking legal advice on the suitable action to be taken in this regard.

Special National Congress

The CEC discussed the matter, as instructed by the November 2013 CEC. It received a report on the meeting of affiliates' Presidents and General Secretaries on 14 January 2014, which discussed the four areas: the date for the SNC, its objectives and agenda, the readiness of the affiliates and funding.

The CEC raised problems which a SNC would cause affiliates, including financial constraints, a full programme of other events, election work and the fact that this is the year of the Central Committee

In this context the meeting decided to decline the request for a SNC.

The President notes the CEC decision.


The NOBs reported their deep concern over the resolutions and declaration passed by NUMSA's Special Congress which are diametrically opposed to COSATU policies, and go against the spirit and letter of the COSATU constitution, principles and traditions. These include the following:

1.The call on COSATU to break from the Alliance

2.The plan to organise a march to Cosatu House which will to coincide with the COSATU CEC in February 2014

3.To neither endorse nor support the ANC in 2014

4.To extend NUMSA's scope of operation into glass production, sale and fitment; car valet and wash bay establishments; manufacture of jewellery, the refining of petrol, wholesale transportation, extraction and distribution of petrochemicals, mining and smelting of both base and precious metals; drivers that provide support to activities of NUMSA sectors; building and construction; auto industry textile, security, cleaning, canteen and health services that are covered by NUMSA scope; kiosks; industrial chemicals; alternative energy, information and communication technologies.

The CEC agreed that as NUMSA is affiliated to COSATU it is bound by its policies and Clause 2.3 of the Constitution, which says that: 
"Affiliates, including affiliates that are being orientated about the Federation, remain autonomous bodies governed by their own constitution but they must abide by this constitution and the policies of the Federation".

The CEC raised other issues of concern around NUMSA's poaching of members and support for AMCU.

It was agreed that the NOBs must write a letter to NUMSA to give reasons why it should not be suspended or expelled from the federation, and this is now being implemented.

It was also agreed to write to the other eight unions who requested the SNC to ask them to clarify their views on NUMSA's Special Congress Declaration and Resolutions.

Statement issued by Patrick Craven, COSATU national spokesperson, February 11 2014

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